A b o u t     u s

Who are we ?
AmigaSoc is a small group of Amiga enthusiasts who got together to try and help the Amiga community whilst the powers that be decide exactly what they're doing with our beloved machine. As such, AmigaSoc is not really a user group, but more of a support organisation. We don't have regular meetings. Instead, core members of AmigaSoc are active participants in their local Amiga user groups.

What exactly do we do ?
Good question! Basically all we're trying to do is to help the Amiga and the Amiga community in any way we can. Our main vehicle for achieving this is our website. However we also want to include those Amiga users, especially in the UK, who do not have Internet access. This is one of the reasons why we try to co-ordinate our efforts with UK user groups, and traditinal print-based magazines to ensure that we can reach as wide an audience as possible.

So far our efforts to help the Amiga community include:

In addition to these AmigaSoc initiatives, we are also participating in the Amiga RC5 effort in association with IMM Studios Ltd. Why not click here to see how we're progressing ?

The AmigaSoc website has also been presented with the following awards:

Made On Amiga Made on Amiga "Cool Site" Award. According to the website "This is awarded for sites created or maintained on Amigas which show exceptional quality in either design or content." Why not visit Made On Amiga for more examples of websites that have been built with Amiga software ?
Power Amiga 5 star award Power Amiga "5 star" Award. A 5 star award (the best) from this user group in Portsmouth, UK. Visit their website for more info.

AmigaSoc UK, c/o IMM Studios Ltd, 8 Angel Gate, 326 City Road, London, EC1V 2PT, United Kingdom